Your body is a temple and health nutrition is important for a long life of good quality. Given the ageing population of the planet, with people living longer and longer, it is important to make the best of health diet nutrition to guarantee that your old age isn’t spent with your body connected to machines. If many seniors are over-reliant on medication, it is mainly because of the abuses they put their bodies through in early life.Obesity is also a major problem. Many governments claim that they will have to spend billions in the next few decades fighting the problems that result from their fatter populations.The Benefits of Health Diet NutritionLearning about healthy food is important. With all the latest research telling us that certain foods are bad for us, it is also important to make sure that the nutritional information you are getting is accurate. Often, common sense will tell you what’s bad and what isn’t. Favorites do not have to be avoided entirely. Instead, if you have a sweet tooth, you should try replacing candy with fruit to satisfy your craving for sugar. Maintaining a balanced diet comprising health nutrition foods does not mean you shouldn’t spoil yourself a little once in a while.For optimum health diet nutrition, it is important that you try and maintain a balance between the major food groups in your diet. Consulting a dietician to decide which foods should be eaten and which are best avoided will give you a set of dos and don’ts that you can use as a standard to dictate your diet. For example, foods that contain additives and salt and are overly processed are obviously less healthy than foods that are fresh. Again, let common sense dictate your diet decisions.Getting your Five a DayHealthy food is not always the most palatable, which is one of the reasons why you are unlikely to hear of anyone dying of a broccoli overdose. Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that it is the delicious foods that will usually kill you. It’s like a little taste of heaven before you get there! If you don’t feel confident about eating right or if you are surrounded by junk food all the time and feel there’s no alternative, you should go and see a nutritionist. Health nutrition is a nutritionist’s field of expertise and they can set up a program for you that you can stick to.The fact is there are enough good, healthy and delicious foods out there so that eating will still be an enjoyable experience. You can eat all the important foods without craving junk. Indeed, you don’t even have to look at another sprig of broccoli in order to enjoy good health nutrition. Nutritionists will cater to your whims and offer you health diet nutrition choices that are equally delicious but less toxic to your body so you don’t have to feel like you’re sacrificing too much in order to enjoy a healthy diet.
The Importance of Good Health & Nutrition
Is it Really So Difficult to Change a Lifestyle?
The contemporary lifestyle is generally not conducive to healthy living. People drink too much, eat too much, and some even smoke too much. In addition, most live in daily stress with sleep deprivation. Furthermore, many rely on caffeine and medications to keep them alert and functional. The good news is that many are aware of the need to change lifestyle for the better. The bad news is that it is difficult to change lifestyle: bad habits are easy to form, but difficult to eradicate.But is it really so difficult to change lifestyle?It is more than just willpower: you require strategies to change lifestyle.You need not only to resolve to make a change in your diet and lifestyle, but also to re-commit yourself on a regular basis with determination and perseverance. Taking the first step is diffcult, but none the less essential. The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” So, take your first step, and do it NOW, not later. Procrastination is the enemy of change.Do not allow yourself to slack. A lifelong commitment to change means lifelong healthy living.Be positive, rather than be anxious or fearful. Positive reinforcement is more conducive to changing a lifelong habit than negative emotions of anxiety and fear. Break yourself of bad food habits for healthy living. Reward yourself with a healthy alternative, such as an activity (a facial, a massage, a symphony or an opera), instead of a food item. Rewarding yourself with food usually perpetuates the sin of food craving.Always set reasonable and achievable goals for changing a behaviour or life pattern. Without goals, there will only be excuses and procrastination.Give yourself positive personal affirmations and personal messages to increase self-esteem to change lifestyle. Always, visualize your success. Seeing is believing. Visual images may make you see your own future success in your mind’s eye.Change lifestyle gradually. Tackle just one major change at a time. Do not attempt to change everything overnight: this is often a recipe for failure. Take one step at a time, and small steps at that.Expect to slip from time to time. Relapse is only natural. It is human nature to err. Consider it a learning experience; recharge yourself immediately and move on. Do not look back; otherwise, you may experience guilt and inadequacy.Get support from family and friends. Do not strive to fight against all odds all by yourself. Sharing your struggle to change lifestyle is the key to success. Keep a daily journal to record all your health and weight problems, and note how they may be connected to your lifestyle.Observe your emotional problems, if you have any, and see how they may be related to your social life or diet.If you think you need to change lifestyle, maybe you should. It is never too late to change for the better. It is your life ahead of you. Of course, on the other hand, if you don’t think you need to make any change to your current lifestyle, it is your perception and your choice too.
Four Tips For Financing Your New Car
Whilst buying a car is without doubt an exciting time, it can also be stressful and costly. Most people (at least 80%) cannot afford to buy a new car outright. Therefore, most car buyers acquire a new car using a deposit as down payment and obtain car finance to fund the rest. The following five tips are valuable for people considering obtaining a new car as they give different options on how to best to fund the transaction.1. Sell your current car privately instead of a part exchange – Whilst it is much more convenient to ‘trade in’ an existing vehicle as a part exchange on a new vehicle this will not maximise the money you get for your car. Done primarily for ease and convenience (if you put your car in as part exchange against a newer model you remove the whole selling process, advertising costs, people calling around your home to view the car and being annoyed by phone calls for weeks after the car has been sold), it is a known fact that a part exchange is the least profitable way to sell your car. Therefore, if you have the time and patience, it is advised that you opt for a private sale. Perhaps the best way to determine whether you should part exchange or sell is to determine the market value for your vehicle and compare this with some part exchange values. Whatever the difference between the two can be considered your payment for the hassle of private sale and therefore you can make an informed decision.2. Car Finance From A Dealership – This is the most popular way to finance a car. Dealers provide approximately 65% of all car finance. The reason for this is that people shop for cars based on the price of the car and because 80% of all new car buyers need finance they end up taking finance from the same dealer that provides the best price on the car.Dealers typically offer hire purchase or car leasing. Hire purchase is an arrangement where people sign a contract to make monthly payments across 3 – 5 years and they end up owning the car at the end of that payment period. Leasing is slightly different because it is often much, much cheaper you can have the option to buy the car at the end of the period or simply return it to the dealer. However, you must be careful with dealer finance (or any car finance for that matter) and you should always shop around and compare the monthly deal that you have been offered. Just because you negotiated a good price on the car doesn’t always mean that you are getting a good monthly price on the finance. In some cases the monthly payment could have a premium hidden in it with a high APR and therefore the calculation of your monthly payment may not relate to the ‘good price’ that you think you negotiated on your car. Therefore, shop around and compare the monthly payment, the total payment ensuring that you are comparing the same contract period etc with different dealers and finance providers irrespective of the price that you have negotiated on the car.3. Car loans from a bank – Personal car loans account for only 13% of all new car finance. This is surprising because other than using cash, this is the only form of finance that enables the borrower to own the car from the point of purchase. Therefore, whilst most people think they own the car that they are driving, if they bought the car with finance and are still making monthly payments, then approximately 87% of all new cars are not actually owned by the drivers.If you are thinking of purchasing a car using a car loan of some form you should always shop around based on APR. There are various comparison websites that enable you to compare car loans but you should always be careful about two things:(i) the Apr that the website quotes to you is unlikely to be the one that you get. This is most likely the best APR you could get and it is often adjusted to meet how much of a ‘risk’ that bank may think you are;
(ii) do not submit too many applications for finance. If you submit three or four applications to different banks and you are refused by all of them, you might damage your credit record and make it difficult for you to obtain finance in the future. Some finance websites enable you to apply for a loan and they can advise you whether or not you are likely to succeed and this can be a safer way to apply4. Lease your new car – As discussed above, car leasing is most often the cheapest way to finance your new car. In fact, according to the Finance & Leasing Association, in the first 6 months of this year it was the most popular form or finance provided by dealers. When making a decision on car finance, be sure that you actually need to own your next car? If so, then the only form of finance that permits this immediately is a personal loan from a bank – remember, with hire purchase you will not own the car. If ownership is not so important, then leasing is a cheap form of finance – but you must have a good credit rating. There are many benefits with car leasing as it allows you to receive a new car every few years (although this can change, depending on the lease agreement) without the hassle of a part exchange. However, make sure that you are familiar with the disadvantages (you need to agree an annual mileage limit) and as always be sure to shop around and compare like with like on all alternative car leasing deals.